Present Perfect Irregular Spanish Verb Conjugation
Now, we’ll take a look at the Spanish irregular have verbs. Like with other irregulars, the best way to learn the “have irregulars” is to go over them enough until you get an ear for them and get them into your memory.
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You may want to repeat the next few lessons until you feel comfortable with these Spanish irregular verbs. Are you ready?
The verb ver (to see) changes to: | visto |
abrir (to open) changes to: | abierto |
escribir (to write) changes to: | escrito |
morir (to die) changes to: | muerto |
volver (to return) changes to: | vuelto |
romper (to break) changes to: | roto |
poner (to put/place) changes to: | puesto |
The next set of irregulars both have a “ch”.
The first one hacer (to do/ make) changes to: | hecho |
decir (to say/ tell) changes to: | dicho |
The next set of verbs are almost regular, and even sound regular. They just add an accent to the letter “i”.
The verb creer (to believe) | creído |
traer (to bring) | traído |
leer (to read) | leído |
caer (to fall) | caído |
Our Final set of three irregular have verbs are completely new to Level II. We haven’t covered them anywhere yet. But for the irregular have verbs to be complete, we need to learn them. They are:
to cover | cubrir |
to resolve | resolver |
to discover | descubrir |
With those new verb infinitives in mind, let’s look at their irregular have forms.
The verb to cover in Spanish is | cubrir, and the have form is | cubierto |
to resolve in Spanish is | resolver, and the have form is | resuelto |
to discover is Spanish is | descubrir, and the have form is | descubierto |
As you continue on to the next practice session, you will get to practice the irregular have verbs you learned in this lesson.
Spanish Practice Session
Now we’ll practice the irregular have verbs. Remember, as we practice them - one of the keys is to hear them enough that you tune your ear to be able to recognize them. Just a reminder that you always put the direct object (lo, las, and so forth) in front of have verbs. Are you ready? Here we go.
I have seen it. | Lo he visto |
(Marta) You have opened it (la ventana) | La has abierto |
He has written it (la carta) | La ha escrito |
She had died | Ha muerto |
(Sra. Valdez) You haven’t returned | No ha vuelto |
We have broken them (los vasos) | Los hemos roto |
They have put it there. | Lo han puesto allí |
All of you have never done it | Nunca lo han hecho |
I have never said it | Nunca lo he dicho |
(Martín) You have always believed it | Siempre lo has creído |
He has never brought it | Nunca lo ha traído |
She had read them (los libros) | Los ha leído |
(Sr. Mendes) You have fallen down (reflexive) | Se ha caído |
We have covered them (las personas) | Las hemos cubierto |
They have resolved it (el problema) | Lo han resuelto |
All of you have never discovered anything | Nunca han descubierto nada |
I have never seen her | Nunca la he visto |
(María) You have never opened it (el paquete) | Nunca lo has abierto |
He has always written letters | Siempre ha escrito cartas |
She has never died | Nunca ha muerto |
(Sra. Cárdenas) You have always returned | Siempre ha vuelto |
We have broken it (el lápiz) | Lo hemos roto |
They have put it here | Lo han puesto aquí |
All of you have done a lot | Han hecho mucho |
I haven’t ever told anyone | Nunca he dicho a nadie |
(Martín) You have covered it (la comida) | La has cubierto |
He has resolved the problem | Ha resuelto el problema |
She has discovered it (el dinero) | Lo ha descubierto |
If you feel pretty comfortable with these verbs, you can go on to the next section. Otherwise, continue to review this section until these words begin to sound more natural to you.