Imprefect Reflexive Verbs Spanish Verb Conjugation
Now let’s take a look at “Reflexive Back” Spanish verbs. The same reflexive rules apply here as before. When there is only one verb, the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se or nos) goes in front of the conjugated verb. For example, “While we were getting married…” would be “Mientras nos casábamos…” Remember from previous lessons, if there are two verbs, the reflexive pronoun can either go in front of both verbs or after both. For example, the phrase “I was hoping to have fun” could either be “Esperaba divertirme” or “Me esperaba divertir.”
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Let’s practice with a few of those now. Try to guess the answers before they’re said. To simplify, where there are two verbs, we’ll put the reflexive pronoun after both verbs although it can go either before or after both verbs. In this quiz, some will have one verb and some will have two.
Are you ready?
He used to complain a lot | Se quejaba mucho |
I was hoping to forget that. | Esperaba olvidarme de eso. |
I was going to brush my teeth. | Iba a cepillarme los dientes. |
They used to get sick a lot. | Se enfermaban mucho. |
She never used to get angry. | Nunca se enojaba. |
I used to have to stay here. | Tenía que quedarme aquí. |
He used to shave every day. | Se afeitaba todos los días. |
She wanted to wash her hands. | Quería lavarse las manos. |
Juan was going to say goodbye | Juan iba a despedirse |
I always woke up late | Siempre me levantaba temprano. |
Spanish Review (Back Verbs)
I was bathing | me bañaba |
(Marta) You used to shower | te duchabas |
He used to break (his ___) | se rompía (el/la los/las ___) |
She was getting sick | se enfermaba |
(Sra. Benites) You used to brush (your ___) | se cepillaba (el/la los/las ___) |
We burned ourselves | nos quemabamos |
They were taking off | se quitaban |
All of you used to wash (your ___) | se lavaban (el/la los/las ___) |
I dried myself | me secaba |
(Martín) You were shaving | te afeitabas |
He used to get angry | se enojaba |
She was getting married | se casaba |
(Sr. Mendes) You were called | se llamaba |
We used to get ready | nos arreglabamos |
They complained | se quejaban |
All of you were worrying | se preocupaban |
I used to work in | me dedicaba a |
(Juana) You got tired | te cansabas |
He was forgetting | se olvidaba |
She used to stay | se quedaba |
(Sra. Benites) You were getting up | se levantaba |
We used to be called | nos llamabamos |
They got sick | se enfermaban |
All of you were getting angry | se enojaban |
I was getting married | me casaba |
We used to meet | nos reuníamos |
We were worrying about | nos preocupabamos |
(Rosa) You were working in | te dedicabas a |
(Raúl) You used to remain | te quedabas |
We got up | nos levantabamos |