Russian Words for At the Beach
Relaxing on the beach may not help you save the world, but at least it's fun. Yakov is here to help you learn At the Beach words in Russian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Russian mini-course
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English | Russian | Roman Spelling |
sand | песок | pesok |
sand castle | замок из песка | zamok iz peska |
seaweed | водоросли | vodorosli |
shore | берег | bereg |
sunglasses | солнечные очки | solnechnye ochki |
sunscreen | крем от солнца | krem ot solntza |
swimsuit | купальник | kupal’nik |
tide | прилив | priliv |
towel | полотенце | polotentze |
wave | волна | volna |
Learning Russian Beach Words
Did you learn how to be cool and relax at the beach in Russian? That's great! Now you're ready to move on to more Russian words. If you're tired of learning Russian words, maybe you should move on to Russian phrases. Don't worry, if you want information about Russian culture, be sure to check out the Russian language page. Just remember to have fun in your quest to learn Russian and save the world!