Italian Weather and Natural Disasters
Maybe you are going to save the world from a natural disaster, so it's important to learn these words. Stella the Italian will help you learn them in Italian with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
Italian mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Italian |
the cloud | la nuvola |
cloudy | nuvoloso |
cold | freddo |
the flood | l'inondazione |
the fog | la nebbia |
foggy | nebbioso |
hot | caldo |
the humidity | l'umidità |
the hurricane | l'uragano |
English | Italian |
it's windy | c'è vento |
the rain | la pioggia |
the snow | la neve |
the sun | il sole |
it's sunny | c'è il sole |
the temperature | la temperatura |
the thermometer | il termometro |
the tornado | il tornado |
windy | ventoso |
Learning Italian Weather Words
Whether it's sunny, windy, or cloudy, you can always take time to learn Italian. Return to the Italian words menu to increase your vocabulary. It's important to learn Italian phrases so you can make new friends when you talk about the weather. Please be sure to visit the Italian culture page so you can understand their culture and avoid offending them.