School Words In Spanish
School and science are a part daily life for many people. Use the free Mini Course below to help you learn the school words in Spanish with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the effective Lingo Dingo and Memory Machine review games! Here you will learn things like how to say science in Spanish, as well as some other elementary science in Spanish.
Spanish mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Spanish |
art | arte |
the black hole | el agujero negro |
the earth | la tierra |
english | inglés |
the experiment | el experimento |
the galaxy | la galaxia |
history | historia |
jupiter | júpiter |
language | linguaje |
mars | marte |
math | matemáticas |
mercury | mercurio |
the moon | la luna |
English | Spanish |
music | la musica |
neptune | neptuno |
psychology | la psicología |
physical education | la educación física |
pluto | plutón |
saturn | saturno |
science | la ciencia |
the solar system | el sistema solar |
the stars | las estrellas |
the sun | el sol |
uranus | urano |
venus | venus |
Learning Spanish School and Science Words
You may not be the next person on the moon, but at least you can say it in Spanish. Go back to the Spanish words menu to learn other words you can feel cool saying in Spanish. As you learn Spanish, you will impress more people. The Spanish phrases will do nothing but help you. In no time you will be a master of the Spanish language.