Maybe you could save the world one profession at a time. Veronique will help you learn the professions in French with the more than enjoyable flash cards below, and then you can quiz yourself with the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game!
French mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | French |
the accountant | le comptable |
the actor | l'acteur |
the artist | l'artiste |
the athlete | l'athlète |
the barber | le coiffeur |
the boss | le patron |
the business person | l'homme d'affaires |
the butcher | le boucher |
the carpenter | le menuisier |
the cashier | le caissier |
the chef | le chef |
the coach | l'entraîneur |
the computer technician | le technicien informatique |
the construction worker | l'ouvrier |
the dentist | le dentiste |
the doctor | le médecin |
the engineer | l'ingénieur |
the farmer | le fermier |
English | French |
the firefighter | le pompier |
the hair dresser | le coiffeur |
the judge | le juge |
the lawyer/attorney | l'avocat |
the librarian | le bibliothécaire |
the mail carrier | le facteur |
the mason (brick layer) | le maçon |
the mechanic | le mécanicien |
the nurse | l'infermière |
the police officer | le policier |
the professor | le professeur |
the programmer | le programmeur |
the reporter | le journaliste |
the secretary | le secrétaire |
the veterinarian | le vétérinaire |
the waiter | le serveur |
the writer | l'écrivain |
Learning French Profession Words
Which is your favorite profession? You need to learn how to say good morning in French so that you can be friendly to clients and co-workers. Once you've mastered them all, go back to the French words menu to learn words in other topics. Those who learn French could also learn a new profession or make their current job more exciting. If nothing else, go to the French phrases page and tell somebody you love them in French. Have fun learning the French culture!