Yo and Go Go Irregular Spanish Verb Conjugation
The next group of irregular verbs are all irregular in the “yo” form. Let’s take a look at them now.
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First we’ll see the “go go” verbs. We’ll call them “go go” verbs because the “yo” form ends with “g-o” or “go”.
yo form – irregular | all other forms – regular | |
The verb | changes to: | |
[tra][er] | traigo | Tú traes (trae, traemos, traen) |
[hac][er] | hago | Tú haces (hace, hacemos, hacen) |
[pon][er] | pongo | Tú pones (pone, ponemos, ponen) |
[sal][ir] | salgo | Tú sales (sale, salimos, salen) |
In this section, you’ve learned many Spanish irregular verbs. If you try to memorize all of them right now, you’ll probably get overwhelmed. The best way to become familiar with them is to see and read aloud each one of them a few times over a few days so you can “tune your ear” to them. We recommend taking a brief break now to let the lessons sink in, then when you come back, we’ll go over these verbs so you can hear and see each one.
Spanish Practice “yo” and “go go”
Let’s begin the quiz:
I bring | traigo |
She brings | trae |
We bring | traemos |
I do… (or make) | hago |
We do… (or make) | hacemos |
They do…(or make) | hacen |
I put | pongo |
(Juan) You put | pones |
We put | ponemos |
(Juana) You leave | sales |
(All of you) leave | salen |
I leave | salgo |
We leave | salimos |
(Mrs. Méndez) You come | viene |
They come | vienen |
We come | venimos |
(Jorge) You come | vienes |
I come | vengo |
They have | tienen |
I have | tengo |
(Juanita) You have | tienes |
We have | tenemos |
She says | dice |
I say | digo |
We say | decimos |
(Rosa) You say | dices |
All of you say | dicen |
(Mr. Garcia) you agree | está de acuerdo |
We agree | estamos de acuerdo |
I agree | estoy de acuerdo |
They choose | escogen |
I choose | escojo |
We choose | escogemos |
They know (personally) | conocen |
I know (personally) | conozco |
We know (personally) | conocemos |
I know (info.) | sé |
She knows (info.) | sabe |
We know (info.) | sabemos |
I give | doy |
We give | damos |
They give | dan |
If you’d like, here you can either review what you just learned to become more familiar with it, or if you feel comfortable, you can continue on to the next lesson.