Past Subjunctive Irregular Spanish Verb Conjugation
One of the past subjunctive conjugations are formed by taking off the “ron” from the third person plural of the Spine or Preterite and adding the past subjunctive endings. Now, that’s how most text books and grammar books teach how to conjugate the past subjunctive, but honestly, by the time you process all of that in your head and come up with the right conjugation, a conversation you may have been having with a native speaker would have already past you by.
AR Past Subjunctive Endings
I’ll show you a simpler way to learn Spanish irregulars. We'll make it simple to conjugate Spanish verbs. And, as always, the key to being fluent in a foreign language is repetition and practice.
ER IR Past Subjunctive Endings
Here we’ll give you the base of the conjugation and you can easily figure out the rest.
caer |
cayera |
poder |
pudiera |
conducir |
condujera |
poner |
pusiera |
conseguir |
consiguiera |
preferir |
prefiriera |
creer |
creyera |
producer |
produjera |
dar |
diera |
querer |
quisiera |
decir |
dijera |
reír |
riera |
dormir |
durmiera |
repetir |
repitiera |
destruir |
destruyera |
requerir |
requiriera |
estar |
estuviera |
saber |
supiera |
haber |
hubiera |
seguir |
siguiera |
hacer |
hiciera |
sentir |
sintiera |
incluir |
incluyera |
server |
sirviera |
ir |
fuera |
ser |
fuera |
leer |
leyera |
tener |
tuviera |
morir |
muriera |
traducir |
tradujera |
oír |
oyera |
traer |
trajera |
pedir |
pidiera |
venir |
viniera |
Spanish Review
Spanish Review