Dutch Words
Learn most common Dutch words we have picked out for you, and you will understand some phrases and sentences you read in Dutch or hear from native speakers.
English | Dutch | Pronunciation |
Yesterday | gisteren | GHIS-tuh-ruhn |
Today | vandaag | vahn-DAHG |
Tomorrow | morgen | MORE-ghun |
The day after tomorrow | overmorgen | O-vuhr-more-ghun |
Last week | vorige week | VOH-ruh-ghuh WAKE |
This week | deze week | DAY-zuh WAKE |
Next week | volgende week | VOL-ghun-duh WAKE |
Monday | maandag | MAHN-dahg |
Tuesday | dinsdag | DINSS-dahg |
Wednesday | woensdag | WOONS-dahg |
Thursday | donderdag | DON-duhr-dahg |
Friday | vrijdag | VRAY-dahg |
Saturday | zaterdag | ZAH-tuhr-dahg |
Sunday | zondag | ZON-dahg |
Black | zwart | ZWAHRT |
White | wit | WHIT |
Gray | grijs | GREYS |
Red | rood | ROWT |
Blue | blauw | BLAW |
Yellow | geel | GHAYL |
Green | groen | GHROON |
Orange | oranje | oh-RAHN-yuh |
Purple | paars | PAHRS |
Brown | bruin | BRUYN |
Coffee | koffie | coffee |
Tea | thee | tay |
Juice | sap | sahp |
Soda water | spuitwater | SPUYT-wah-tuhr |
Water | water | WAH-tuhr |
Beer | bier | beer |
Red/white wine | rode/witte wijn | ROH-duh/WIH-tuh waiyn |