Latin Words
Learn some Latin words, which you can either use in the written and oral speech, legal discussions, or simply gain better understanding of many English words.
Latin | English |
Adflicto Affligo | to injure, weaken, discourage, damage, break |
Amplitudo | size, breadth, dignity, grandeur, greatness |
Animus | courage, vivacity, bravery, will, spirit, soul |
Attollo | to raise, lift up, elevate / excite, exalt |
Casso | to bring to naught, destroy, annul, make void |
Cogito | to think, ponder, consider, plan |
Consulo | to reflect, consider, ponder, reflect |
Corrumpo | to break up, destroy, annihilate / spoil, weaken |
Decorus | beautiful, charming, proper, fit, becoming |
Decretum | decree, judgment, edict, order |
Excellentia | excellence, merit, worth |
Exhibeo | to show, present, allow, display, present, offer |
Facultas | power, opportunity, capacity, stock |
Haud | no, not at all, by no means |
Malum | damage, evil, misfortune, crime, injury |
Modo | now, just now, only |
Novus | novel, unusual, extraordinary / news, novelty |
Pendo | to weigh, value, consider, judge, esteem |
Pulcher / Pulchra / Pulchrum | beautiful, handsome, fine |
Rectus | right, correct, proper, upright, natural, plain |
Reddo | to repeat, recite, represent, imitate |
Repens | sudden, unexpected, fresh, recent |
Servo | to watch over, keep, protect, observe, save, reserve |
Sino | allow, suffer, permit, let |
Solvo | to loosen, untie, release |
Somnium | dream, fancy, day-dream / foolishness, nonsense |
Suscipio | to raise up, maintain, support, accept, receive, undertake |
Velut | adv just as, like, even as |
Vis Vires | (pl) force, power, strength, influence |