Imperative Tú Spanish Verb Conjugation
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use commands with “tú”. Unlike “Ud.” and “Uds.” commands, with “tú” there are positive “tú” commands and negative “tú” commands. The negative “tú” commands are just like the “Ud./Uds” commands, only with an “s” on the end.
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Tú Negative Commands
See if you can guess how to say, “Juan, don’t swim”
it would be “Juan, no nades”
Now we’ll try an “er/ir” negative “Tú” command.
“María, don’t write”
“María, no escribas”
Now let’s learn how to do positive “Tú” commands. They are very simple, you just take off the “r” of the verb infinitive, and for “ir” verbs, you also change the “i" to an “e”. Now, we’ll have a quiz to help you remember the concept and practice. Remember, all of these will be “tú” commands.
Eat | Come |
Don’t eat | No comas |
Help | Ayuda |
Don’t help | No ayudes |
Open | Abre |
Don’t open | No abras |
Finish | Termina |
Don't finish | No termines |
Write | Escribe |
Don’t write | No escribas |
Wait | Espera |
Don’t wait | No esperes |
Believe | Cree |
Don’t believe | No creas |
Draw | Dibuja |
Don’t draw | No dibujes |
Sell | Vende |
Don’t sell | No vendas |
Walk | Camina |
Don’t walk | No camines |
Read | Lee |
Don’t read | No leas |
Work | Trabaja |
Don’t work | No trabajes |
Run | Corre |
Don’t run | No corras |
Try | Trata |
Don’t try | No trates |
Learn | Aprende |
Don’t learn | No aprendas |
Before we finish this lesson, here’s a simplified chart that shows all of the commands both positive and negative as well as tú, Ud. and Uds...
Tú | Ud. | Uds. |
habla | Hable | hablen |
no hables | no hable | no hablen |
Tú | Ud. | Uds. |
come | coma | coman |
no comas | no coma | no coman |
Spanish Review
visit | visita |
walk | camina |
teach | enseña |
speak | habla |
rest | descansa |
don't plan | no planees |
don't help | no ayudes |
don't fix | no arregles |
don't dance | no bailes |
don't call | no llames |
write | escribe |
permit | permite |
open | abre |
sell | vende |
don't run | no corras |
don't read | no leas |
promise | promete |
don't drink | no bebas |
don't attend | no asistas |
don't go up | no subas |