Russian Verbs - Group 12
Group 12 has 25 more Russian verbs for you to learn. Learn for free with audio flash cards and the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo! One of these verbs could help you save the world!
Russian mini-course
CourseFREE Course
English | Russian |
to respond | otvechat’ |
to suppose | podrazumevat’ |
to switch on (light) | vklyuchat’ |
to admit | priznavat’ |
to cover | nakryvat’ |
to demand | zaviset’ |
to describe | opisyvat’ |
to direct | napravlyat’ |
to discover | obnaruzhivat’ |
to discuss | diskutirovat’ |
to debate | obsuzhdat’ |
to exist | suschestvovat’ |
to insist | nastaivat’ |
English | Russian |
to interrupt | perebivat’ |
to occur | proisxodit’ |
to suffer | stradat’ |
to correct | ispravlyat’ |
to smile | ulybat’sya |
to ski | katat’sya na lyzhakh |
to construct | stroit’ |
to contribute | sposobstvovat’ |
to lie | vrat’ |
to maintain | soderzhat’ |
to suggest | predlagat’ |
to take care of | zabotit’sya |
to attend to | ukhazhivat’ |
Learning Russian Verbs Group 12
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