German Slang
If you are looking for the latest German slang, you have come to the right place. Learn the German slang words and phrases with free audio flash cards and the Lingo Dingo!
German mini-course
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English | German |
the whole shebang | die Chose/Schose |
mumbo jumbo | das Geschwurbel |
to put in one's place | wegföhnen |
nonsense, rubbish | der Stuss |
beer (ironic) | der Hopfenblütentee |
big boss (derogatory) | der Obermufti |
ok, all right, agreed | gebongt |
to sleep | ratzen |
money | das Moos |
want to | Bock haben |
to work hard | malochen |
fat around one's middle, spare tire | die Wampe |
hands | die Flossen |
Well that's just brilliant | Prost Mahlzeit |
big feet | die Quadratlatschen |
snotty brat | der Rotzlöffel |
twerp | die Knalltüte |
fear | das Fracksausen |
motor-mouth | die Quasselstrippe |
Learning German Slang
Hopefully learning this list of German slang has made you feel more comfortable on the streets. Your journey to learn German should include all types of words, German phrases, and verbs. The lists of free German words will help you in many different situations. There are also many groups of German verbs to help you say and do whatever it is that you do. Just remember that your journey to learn the German language will require hard work but you can make it fun!